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Creating Home

Possibility is permission. Create what works for you and your family.

Possibility is permission. Create what works for you and your family.

At the moment our home looks like a cross between Winter Wonderland and one of Pink’s rock concerts.

At this time of year I find myself asking,

     “Why don’t I live more like this the rest of the year?”

At the end of the Christmas celebrations it is like watching the circus be taken down. Sort of sad & wistful. One of my family members lamented,

“Its a shame we have to take it down. The house will look boring.”


Once a year our bland towns and grey homes light up with twinkling lights, colour and fake stuff.

We, ordinary humans, create a magical otherworld because someone SAYS we can.

Children don’t care why. Their eyes open with wonder.

They are delighted to see that, FINALLY, the adults are doing something fun with their power!

They must wonder why we live grey the rest of the year when we have the power to make cities like Rivendell if we wished.


Gaudi, Hundtervasser one of the many who know things can be different.

Gaudi, Hundtervasser one of the many who know things can be different.

Why do adults make homes and cities square and dull when they have so many choices?

Children are right.

It is NOT impractical or impossible to live beautiful: (Gaudis “apartment block” pictured here). If you want to see more google Hundtervasser or Gaudi.

Why do we give up on all of the possibilities and just do what we are told?

We don’t have to sleep in beds. We can sleep in hammocks.

We can sleep on thin mattresses like the Japanese and roll them away each day so we have more space…we can…..

My first New Year’s resolution is that the full decorations are going to stay up at least until Feb and maybe later…

….to remind me of all the possibilities there are for living.


When I worked in Universities, the domain of suits, grey rooms and serious books on the wall, I had a rock which sat in the middle of my desk.

It looked ordinary but when you rubbed the rock sparkling dust came off.

Occasionally I would chip a line of this fine dust just inside my door space.

It never ceased to amaze me that, by the end of the day, not only was there “rock glitter” on MY little black suit but I would be passing other faculty who had just one or two spots of sparkling dust on their cheek, their shoulder, their hair, their shoe….

Glitter travels! In just one day it had transferred everywhere and permeated spaces that weren’t even aware of its existence.

Creating something is like that.

You make something different and fun and it permeates the rest of your life.

It might take a while but it will…

Do things your own way.

Do things your own way.


choose MORE Wonder Woman mouse mats and less stripey ones; make a curtain out of your old pyjamas if it makes you happy, smash your ordinary coffee mugs and make sure you are drinking out of something that makes you go ahhhh….

You are too important to live bland.

Women create home by making something different and doing things in ways that make THEM and their children happy, NOT by conforming to how others think they should live.

I have yet to meet a child that says a delighted, “Oooo” at a white leather couch and a marble coffee table.


May you grasp your freedom to do things differently and create a home and a life that you love this year.


More Faerie dust…less black….



Photocredits (in order): c.Depositphotos Fairytaledesign;Portokalis;Algoonline.


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