Home » Nurture » MOTHER’S DAY LOVE


Happy mother with newborn babyALOHA


I love the Hawaiian language.

It is one of the simplest and yet most complex languages on earth.

One phrase can have many meanings embedded in each word (rather like a conversation with your teenager!).

The word Aloha is commonly translated as LOVE.

One of its literal translations is sharing affection, joy and LIFE in the present.

Isn’t that a great definition of love?


Mother and daughter indoors kissing and smiling

It can also mean the sharing of breath.


It is the idea that any two humans who are alive and in each other’s presence, are sharing life air (breath).




In the following proverb reference is made to the power of Aloha:


The proverb means,



Heart giving

How’s that for power?

If you love someone you can literally give them life within themselves.

Imagine yourself with a magic wand that can transmit energy, joy and power to the inside of someone else.

Now, amp that wand up ten times. Beautiful witch casting a spell

THAT is the amount of energy your love can give your child.



Being loved so they feel their own life within is how people learn to truly be themselves.

Portrait of cuban black woman smoking cigarThe Cuban woman in the picture looks like she has a lot of life without AND within.

Someone loved her enough that she has life within and it expresses in her life without.

How powerful to know that by loving someone we can feed their internal world.

We can literally grow their sense of vitality, aliveness and joy.

This is ultimate power.

Let’s feed the life within of all those we love today.




HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!mother ladybug with three babies

With care.



Photocredits (In order): c. Depositphoto/mihatc; monkeybusiness; Diego_Cervo; Andreus; Captblack76; Diego_Cervo; anikakodydkova.

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